#the assasin's apprentice
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mfleutcher · 3 months ago
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This is so Fitz I wanna cry
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kkshka · 10 months ago
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Fool from “Assassin’s apprentice” by R. Hobb
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voidlingduck · 9 months ago
Reading Ramblings - Assassin's Apprentice
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I just finished reading Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb, and enjoyed myself immensely!
I haven't read for pleasure in a while, and have honestly been struggling to get through books lately, so it's a real delight to make it through one like this. It was quite a dense book too so it was no easy feat! That being said, once I got into the thick of it, it was a rather gripping tale that kept me invested for long stretches of time.
As a writer myself, this book has inspired me greatly, and there are a few things in particular that impressed me with how it was constructed. Some of my discussions may contain minor spoilers, be warned!
I was blown away by how rich Hobb's worldbuilding was, it was very well crafted and researched. We get a look into the everyday life of someone living in the world, as well as glimpses at the politics that underpin the Kingdom, and it all delivered in a very engaging and immersive way through the perspective of Fitz. I also found the framing device of Fitz's attempts to write an account of the Six Duchies history a very compelling way to deliver exposition that wove itself in to the narrative proper, it was always interesting to see how the information provided at the opening of the chapter informed the events that were to follow.
There is an interesting sense of reflexivity in the narration, afforded by the first person perspective and the framing device of Fitz's attempts to write a recount of his life and the history of the Six Duchies. I found the story gave me a real appreciation of first person narration, and reading this book has definitley influenced me towards trying out first person for my dragon riders story. Whether that decision will stick remains to be seen, but it is definitley interesting to observe the effect that this novel has already had on my approach to writing. I also really enjoyed how throughout the story we came to see the unreliability inherent to the first person narration, as Fitz discovers that the way he initially interpreted events was incorrect. We are led along this journey of discovery along with Fitz, and this allows us to really connect with him as a character.
Characterisation was another thing that this novel handled excellently, I felt every character was distinct and well-realised. As I reflect on how this was achieved, I think that a lot of it ties to the relationships they have with Fitz, and the way that they engage with him, filtered through his perspective, informs a lot of our understanding about them. I really enjoy this very relational approach to characterisation, and I think it was done very effectively. What most impressed me was the way that Chivalry was so strongly characterised, and his presence felt, despite his physical absence - perhaps even because of it. I think there's a real skill to be able to haunt the story with a character, and it's something I want to learn how to do myself.
This story was incredibly inspiring to me, and a great way to get me back into reading again - particularly reading fantasy. I am very excited to read more in this world, though since I do not yet possess the second book, my next read will probably be something quite different. I am still deciding what that shall be, but stay tuned! If I have thoughts I will definitley be sharing them here.
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pinkcadavart · 10 months ago
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Mama, they say I'm a terrorist
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nabipenda-blog · 1 year ago
Hi Friends, this are my reads this month. I have finished a few so far and will give a review on the day I post my wrap up.
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1. Assassin's apprentice.
2. Blood on the tracks.
3. Daisy Jones and the six.
4. A quiet life in the country.
5. Fables vol 1.
6. Every heart a doorway.
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vellhighbandi · 2 years ago
I was gonna stab…but then I remembered…no family stabbing :(
meh, you can revive yourself
*stab* :)
Et tu, Jordan? *dies*
*walks in from the wall Loki Style* lots to learn still.
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This reminded me of Patience, even if I don't remember if her room had anything resembling harmony
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actuallytalldumbass · 7 months ago
Have you seen like gifs of season 3? There you can see that Alex is kinda fucking broken by everything that happened to him and going dark (even tho he still holds some of the morals whit him). So he would just be fucking devastated、going like completely dark
as I'm writing this reply I'm getting more and more ideas! I'm thinking as a real fic it could go something like Ian's death goes like in the show (with Wilbys betrayal ofc、that's like one of the most important parts here) and then Stormbreaker shit happens (maybe Point blanc too?)
Maybe MI6 deports Jack so Alex has no one left and after some mission Alex sees Yassen again and has some massive breakdown and yassen comforts him and then alex goes with yassen after he told him what mi6 did to him and how they used him and wont stop (maybe in between missions he tries to find out something about his family and finds out that Yas knew his father?)(or he doesnt know anything other than what mi6 told him but decided to trust yassen cause he really doesnt have anything left and nothing to lose) 、yassen is quiet furious and alex becomes his apprentice (maybe yassen trains him maybe he doesnt) but yassen doesn't want him to kill ("killing is for grownups and you're a child") so alex is the one that gives orders and yassen is the one that carries them out (instead of Alex killing Yassen does the killing while Alex tells him who to kill)(HOLY SHIT I LOVE THAT IDEA SO FUCKING MUCH)
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they start whith Wilby and then maybe start assassinating people from MI6 ?? Blunt DEFINITELY gets killed. I'm also thinking since alex went so dark and barely holds on to not killing people himself (I mean assasination type killing、let's ignore all those times someone died cause of alex XD) what if yassens starts being kind of the one that tries to soften alex back to himself? Like not only does yassen help him with getting revenge on the people who hurt him but also tries to help him with the mental baggage he has from being used and alex finally has a safe place where he can finally grieve Ian's death and the life he lost (im deff leaning more to yassen being the scapegoat for Ian's death cause Martin actually did it but mi6 wants alex with them) and just so much hurt/comfort 😭😭
Maybe they arrange a fake death for Alex too? After he does with Yassen so that mi6 would leave him alone
(Now I'm going completely out of rails BUT! Maybe alex gets an 'assasin codename' since he became yassens apprentice so it's like "cossack & ______ ")
HOLY SHIT I just thought what if ALEX SEES IAN'S ASSASSINATION HIMSELF???AND THAT ALSO TAKES A TOLE ON HIM(is that how you write it? Tole? Toll? Idk)
There are so many options its fucking crazy I'm so excited just even thinking about all the possibilities
Holy fuck am I actually thinking about writing this for real? I've never even written a fic before
Omg and I could draw illustrations to this😭😭 KHXYDISYYDKCJLGTUDTIFYO
This would definitely be a little bit inspired by Of Madness and Mammals
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(Here is where I saw your 2nd reblog)
(Dont apologize it's so fantastic to be able to talk with someone about that and all your fucking ideas it's great I love it)
(Also this is just becoming our group chat to talk about fic ideas XD I love it)
I had a dream in which there were 2 alex rider fanfics (based on the show) where after Ian's death Alex found out Wilby was a traitor and he started hating him so much that he ordered Yassen to kill him for Alex. I wasn't able to read the whole fic before I woke up😭
So if anybody wants to write that let me know
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 14 days ago
My teacher told me to read a book and barely gave me any guidelines as to what to read, and Assasin's Apprentice happens to fit those guidelines, and I am planning on rereading it anyway
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moonenvvy · 6 months ago
🌱starter / plotting call for the upcoming event ! 🌱 if you just want a random starter then let me know for who and from who, or comment anyone. if you want to plot then give this a like! occupations for all my muses are below.
Adam Stanheight - not aware of the change - thief
Astarion - aware and very excited - noble
Barry Allen - not aware of the change - thespian
Ben Florian - not aware of the change - stableman
Peter Parker - not aware of the change - herbalist
Stu Macher - not aware of the change - gravedigger
Trafalgar Law - aware and confused - assasin
Vivi - not aware of the change - baker
Wyatt Lykensen - not aware of the change - werewolf / blacksmith apprentice
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goodboyaudios · 1 year ago
So I re-listened to MotH and I have a few questions regarding zed’s mother if you don’t mind.
1. Why did Mazzul try to kill the Guardian?
2. How did their fight go?
3. How did Mazzul die?
4. Did Mazzul and the Guardian know each other to a personal level?
5. Not related to Mazzul but, Since Mirren knew a lot of Zed’s family members, what about the Guardian? Did she know any other of his family members besides Mazzul? (Before she disappeared for 300+ yrs ofc)
1. Multiple reasons. Both to make sure no one would dare threaten her rule and to simply test how strong she was.
2. Mazzul never made it. She never gave up trying, but she never lived to find out how to do it either. Only Zed actually made it.
3. A united band of assasins of the humanoid nations was sent into the forbidden lands to kill her, but there also may have been foul play on her side, too... a defector, mayhaps...
4. No. Not in any way. They never met, and in fact, the guardian doesn't even know she exists until Zed shows up.
5. The guardian has met Zeds grandparents, Mazzul’s parents, before, yes. At the time, Magnesia Mistwood was the apprentice of Xarantharos, and Xorn O'tender was his body guard paladin from New Tennessee. They didn't know each other personally, but of course, Magnesia was in complete awe upon the first meeting.
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pollsonmorenichetopics · 3 months ago
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Disproportionate Retribution Loser Poll Round 1 Side B:
Frecklewish's (Warrior Cats) Disproportionate Retribution:
"Frecklewish's brother was killed, her friend Mapleshade, lied about her kits being his when actaully Mapleshade's kits were her brother's killer's. After this secret was revealed, Frecklewish said some pretty nasty things about said kits. Frecklewish latter saw Mapleshade and kits crossing a river during a storm and presumably saw them get swept away but didn't try to save them, though the narrative notes there were cats on the other side of the river, and its unlikely Frecklewish knew how to swim. Mapleshade latter got revenge for this by leading Frecklewish into an area were there were venomous snakes where a snake spat venom into her eyes. Frecklewish died days latter, after notable suffering. The Warrior cats website then revealed that on top of this, she was also sent to the dark forest/cat hell.
Tldr, she didn't throw herself into a raging river to try to save Mapleshade's kits and potentially drown herself, and then she was then murdered, and sent to cat hell, a place populated almost entirely by vicious murderers."
"Crime: not saving drowning children
Punishment: having her eyes bitten by a venomous snake and being sent to the Dark Forrest (cat hell)
Out of proportion: she couldn't swim, what exactly was she supposed to do?"
"tl;dr - gets killed horribly and sent to Hell for being moderately nasty and not leaping into a flash flood to save kittens when she can't swim and previously watched her brother drown (while several male characters who abused their positions of power in the same situation get sent to Heaven for some mysterious reason that totally isn't related to gender /s)
Long explanation - Frecklewish had a brother, Birchface, who died in a battle when the RiverClan warrior Appledusk hit him so hard he fell into the river and drowned (AND his teenage apprentice drowned while trying to save him, so a very traumatic situation). Frecklewish grieves him deeply, so she is comforted by her clanmate Mapleshade lying-by-omission that her unborn/newborn kittens were Birchface's. Turns out the kittens were actually Appledusk's, the one who killed Birchface. Frecklewish does not react well to learning this, yelling insults even at the kittens, and Mapleshade and the kittens are banished by the male characters in power (who go to Heaven btw). Mapleshade tries to take her kittens across the river during a flash flood and they drown, and she blames Frecklewish for allegedly witnessing this but not trying to save them (maybe because Frecklewish can't swim and her biggest trauma was watching her brother drown? there is no scenario where she could have saved the kittens vs just getting herself killed for no reason! she didn't actually want the kittens to die anyway, she saw RiverClan warriors approaching and assumed THEY would save them!) Mapleshade, a villain, punishes her for this by getting a venomous snake to bite her in the face, so she is painfully blinded and dies a few days later.
That was the end of it when that book originally came out, but years later the "story team" posted on the website that Frecklewish went to Hell. When the fandom questioned how that's fair (especially bc again, multiple male characters who acted even worse got to go to Heaven) they just doubled down on her supposedly deserving it. So it's canon, apparently."
Damian Wayne's (Batman/DC Comics) Disproportionate Retribution:
"Crime: being a brat in intro arc, murder/attempted murder/ being raised as a and by assasins
Punishment: Going to Literal Hell when he died (he came back eventually but it was a significant amount of time)
Out of proportion: First an foremost, I think sending a middle school aged kid to hell is out of proportion all on its own. Yeah, he was a bit bratty for a time, but have you met a middle schooler? And yeah there's the whole killing people thing but he didn't really have all that much of a choice, being raised in the League of Assassins and all. Besides, when he died, he was doing better/making genuine efforts. I have beef with the writers for this, actually. "
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jewishdainix · 2 years ago
Reminiscing on cute Fitz moments from Assasin's Apprentice mainly the time he snuck into a kichen thinking no one saw him because of his ✨️🔪master assasin skills 🔪✨️ when actually people just ignored him cause he was a silly little harmless child jumping from shadow to shadow
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whatkindofnameisella · 1 year ago
none of you care about my assasin's apprentice posting but i have to continue. read through galen's trial and fitz taking care of verity last night and when i was done i sat in my bed like
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not0a0mundane · 1 year ago
thanks you @lost-in-derry for the tag to this!!
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (I have a LONG WIP folder so for the sake of clarity I'm going to make them about the ones that have their own discord channel)
The Sith Queen - basically Padmé saves Darth Maul at the end of TPM and their friendship blooms from there (got the first part finished but the actual sith training motage is not written yet, I do got memes tho)
Little Sith Ani - this is an ongoing wip as it is a series and it's basically "what if Anakin was always a sith" with the twist that he was mostly raised by Darth Maul. Currently has 5 installments and I plan for more when I get back to it.
Jabba's Jewel - Palpatine loses Darth Maul in a bet with Jabba the Hutt. Jabba fakes Maul's death and has a shiny new assasin/exotic dancer. I haven't got any writing yet but I do have memes
Caught in his golden gaze - an emotionally neglected rich coruscant sociolite is stuck in a loveless marriage when a handsome bachelor in the form of the newest representative for Naboo, the war hero Jar Jar Binks. (Will try to keep it as GN!REader as possible)
Ashla Au - got like 2 chapters done, basically kallus realised the atrocity he commited on lasan and the goddess Ashla saw that and decided "you will earn your forgivness".
The Bogling au - nearly same vein as the ashla au, but Kallus had always been in association with the lasat pantheon. (basically kallus is a no-domain deity, get's put into a tiny mortal body and has to find a domain that he can become the god of so that he can return home)(still in the working things through phase, based on greek mythology reimagined into a star wars setting)
OSHA!Inspector Maul Au - a silly little idea where Palpatine takes Smaul(Small Maul) with him to see the cloning facilities on Kamino and then forgets Maul there. When he remembers that he as an apprentice some time later, Maul has already become an intern in the Kamino cloning facility. They refuse to acknowledge that Palpatine even came into their facility with a dathomirian zabrak child in tow.
tagging: @seth-silver-ink @hannagoldworthy @sapphic-loser16 @astralalmighty @gran-maul-seizure and anyone else that wants to try!
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kcrabb88 · 4 months ago
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on (or)
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
My personal wisdom for this time of year when it gets dark so early and it's getting cold, if you're feeling bad, a favorite hoodie and a good seasonal beverage can help a lot of things. I was in a bad, bad mood the last two afternoons for various reasons, but I put on my Pirates of the Caribbean hoodie and got a glass of this winter punch from Trader Joe's and it helped! The fatal need for to be cozy with a drink, ya know?
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
The thing about me is, if I get a good enough plot in my head, I will end up writing it eventually. Will I write it best? I don't know, but I will have fun!
Right now the one that I can't presently write but will write later is my Quinlan winter soldier AU (gffa style). You've got Quin going missing right after he and Obi-Wan decide to commit after dancing around each other as FWB. He goes missing for at least a year if not a bit longer. Obi-Wan is distraught but doesn't have time to be distraught and Anakin is worried and the war takes over both their lives. Everything goes wild when Quin shows back up as an assasin with no memory but oh boy he is sure he's seen Obi-Wan before. There's angst and pining and high drama. Palps is scheming. The Jedi are trying to get Quin back. Plagueis is still alive but under his apprentice's thumb. This plot haunts me and I can't wait to get to it.
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